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Various approaches to drawing, predicated by overall intention! Angela Eames.

Drawing for Purpose

Individually tailored tutoring sessions...

If you are interested in drawing and have not drawn before, you can learn how to see… to think… to draw... and find out how this knowledge can apply to all aspects of your life…

If you have drawing experience and would like to extend it further...

contact all4drawing here...

/who are these one-to-one sessions for?

I teach observational drawing and general drawing and offer you the opportunity to improve your drawing skills and understanding.

I can teach anyone who is keen to learn, to develop, to engage, even extend their drawing from the novice to the practising artist or designer.

/who will be teaching me?

I have taught life drawing for 40 years (running both the BA Hons Drawing and the MA Drawing at Camberwell College of Arts, London for eleven years) and can accommodate individually tailored sessions either within my own studio or if within a reasonable distance I can visit your studio.

/tell me more...

"We spent a wonderful week, full of good food and a lot of laughs AND I learnt an astonishing amount from an excellent teacher. I will definitely return."

Caroline - Wittersham.

Typical tutored sessions have taken the form of a one to one visit to my studio in Beckley, East Sussex, at a frequency of once a week or fortnight over an considered span of time. Work is usually brought to the studio at the outset so that we can work out a timescale together. I then help you move toward your individual goals whether that be drawing from the landscape, observationally, toward design goals or even conceptually!

You will be able to draw in a comfortable, spacious, fully furbished, professional, studio space. The studio environment is well-equipped, warm, relaxed and stimulating, looking out through massive bi-fold doors onto the East Sussex countryside. You will be able to approach drawing with confidence and questioning and work with as much or as little instruction as you like.


/why draw?

"Everyone can draw. Far from being a rare gift, only possessed by artists among us, drawing can be as natural and instinctive to us as breathing – if we let it. When practised mindfully, drawing has the power to effortlessly lead us into a deeper relationship with ourselves and the world around us, turning a simple act of creativity into play, into a dance of movement, a way of seeing and connecting profoundly with life."

Wendy Ann Greenhalgh, Introduction to Mindfulness and the Art of Drawing, Leaping Hare Press, 2015

Everyone can draw. There are no exceptions – none. A voice in your head might tell you that you can't draw but the voice is wrong! I’ve lost track of the numbers of people who, on seeing me draw, have pronounced, almost with a sense of pride that they can’t draw, when what they actually mean is that they don’t draw. Perhaps they are scared to draw, perhaps they are scared of what others might think of their efforts.


As children we put our fingers to a misty window and draw through the cloudy moisture, we carve lines through wet sand with sticks, we draw with mud across pristine surfaces, we pick up chalk and make marks on walls. More recently young fingers reach for the screen in a similarly unabashed manner. At an early age we draw without thinking about it – we feel free to explore, to communicate with others and leave our trace and then we grow up and we stop drawing. Our visual development is truncated. We stop seeing what is around us and there is the real danger that we stop wondering and marvelling at what is outside of ourselves. When engaging with drawing we find that we are able enter a space/place where we not only explore and discover what is outside of ourselves but we encounter ourselves.




© 2017 Angela Eames images

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